Darakshan Raja

Director of mUSLIMS FOR juST fuTURES


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Darakshan explains how islam is so crucial to her work in its roots of justice ethics that its hurtful when institutions try to downplay her connection to her faith and Allah.

Why do you think there is a consorted effort to downplay the religiosity of Muslim women activists? What do these attacks serve in delegitimizing movement building in faith-based arenas?

Darakshan’s Story Offers Lessons In:

  • Analyzing how legal systems perpetuate harm against Muslim communities

  • Rethinking movement building to create futures that are rooted in healing 

  • Centering Islam in the justice ethos of coalition and movement building


Darakshan’s statement about how existing as Muslims is to also exist on a different platform and set of laws in which we cannot obtain justice through the justice system because it is the system enacting violence.

Think of ways in which the War on Terror changed the US justice system to be an arm of the military in the extrajudicial treatment of Muslims within the USA and abroad.


Mothering justice moves away from traditional leftist spaces by usurping it to create nurturing movements that are both sustainable and healing.

Why is this so vital in not only creating spaces of healing but in living in the present of futurisms when building towards new politics of liberation?

Firas Nasr

Hello My name is Firas and I am awesome


Yasmeen Obeid


Margari Hill