Margari Hill

Founder & executive director of muslim arc


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Margari’s work on filling the gap of addressing anti-racism in the Muslim community is well known. And with that comes its own challenges. Name a few examples in which implementing anti-racism/islamophobia programming can drastically change the trajectory of an industry. Now make it personal by thinking of a few examples in your own life.

Margari’s Story Offers Lessons in:

  • Combining research and experience to create powerful educational tools for resistance movements. 

  • Envisioning new liberatory futures that are built with inclusivity and informed historical analysis as foundational to justice. 

  • Uncovering the intersections of effective organizing that incorporates the intersections of anti-blackness, islamophobia, and security-state apparatuses globally. 


Margari makes an important point about gendered islamophobia targeting black Muslim women. Name the intersections that she mentioned. Why are they significant?

What kind of historical analysis can you draw from the memory of black muslim experiences in tandem with misogynoir and carceral regimes?


In a deeply personal moment, Margari shares a historical memory of her own descendancy in relation to the fears of migrant and forced migrant futures today.

How does your historical memory of self show up in the work that you do? How does your memory of self relate to Margari’s own work?


Darakshan Raja


Shenaaz JanMohamed